April 2024 – Long List

There’s lots going on here at Cranked Anvil at the moment, and we’re gearing up for some exciting new things in the coming months. Keep an eye out for announcements, both here on our website and across our social media. If you missed our news round-up post on the website yesterday, you can read it here.

Meanwhile, the judging has been taking place for our April Short Story competition, and we’re delighted to announce the long list today. Congratulations to the following authors:

Fay Black
Robbie Brown
Yue Fan Chen
Aaron Couhig
Hilary Coyne
Jerry Grundy
Heather Haigh
James Harvey
Claire Holland
Taria Karillion
Alistair Lax
Gwenda Major
Matt Oliver
Patrick Ovens
Denarii Peters
Pat Pickavance
Keira Reynolds
Erica Sharlette
E J Taylor
Kate Twitchin
Heather Walker
Alan John Wilson
Jack Young

The shortlist and winners will be announced very soon, so keep an eye out here and on our social media. (And if you don’t already, please subscribe to make sure you receive notifications of all our announcements, offers, and submission details, as well as all the other writerly goodness we’ll be offering in the next few months.)

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