DOING IT OURSELVES by James Raymond (1st Place, Prompt Sep22)

‘You’ll break it!’ ‘I won’t!’ ‘You will!’ ‘I…’ ‘Well, now you’ve done it.’ ‘Er… no, it’s alright, see. It was meant to click like that. Now the leg’s fastened in place.’ ‘Still don’t understand why you wouldn’t read the instructions.’ ‘I’m a kinesthetic learner. I learn by doing. Now, can you hand me the otherContinueContinue reading “DOING IT OURSELVES by James Raymond (1st Place, Prompt Sep22)”

SOMETHING TO TELL YOU by Charlotte Phillips (2nd place, Prompt Sep22)

“Mabel Baxter speaking.” “You’re not supposed to answer the phone like that, Mabel. They could steal your identity, or clone your -” “Don’t be ridiculous, Ian. Nice to hear from you, dear. How’s it all going out there? You haven’t got an accent yet, I’m happy to say.” “Ha, no. Um, yeah, fine, and you?ContinueContinue reading “SOMETHING TO TELL YOU by Charlotte Phillips (2nd place, Prompt Sep22)”

LATE LUNCH by Mandy Wheeler (3rd place, Prompt Sep22)

‘Excuse me madam, the gentleman you’re waiting for is in reception.’ ‘Is he a tall man? Walks with a limp, carries a silver topped cane?’ ‘He’s not. But he says he was due to meet a young lady for lunch an hour ago.’ ‘It’s been an hour, has it? After thirty years, what’s another hour?’ContinueContinue reading “LATE LUNCH by Mandy Wheeler (3rd place, Prompt Sep22)”

THE PUB IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE by Dominic Bell (1st place, Prompt Jun22)

I should not have set off. Twenty-five mile an hour winds, strengthening to forty-five, sleet turning to snow later. But the next place I was staying was booked and paid, and only nine miles, an easy to medium walk, the book said. Three hours at most. Powered by my full English I could slog myContinueContinue reading “THE PUB IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE by Dominic Bell (1st place, Prompt Jun22)”

CATS TOR by Chris Cottom (2nd place, Prompt Jun22)

It’s raining when we arrive at our holiday cottage. This, of course, is my fault. ‘We’re going abroad next year,’ Zoe says. ‘Factor 50 and a couple of Ken Folletts.’ ‘That’ll depend on my bonus.’ ‘It’s you being so cheerful, Mike, that’s been such an endearing part of the last twenty-seven years.’ ‘Twenty-eight.’ ‘Second onlyContinueContinue reading “CATS TOR by Chris Cottom (2nd place, Prompt Jun22)”

THE DOWNPOUR DOWNFALL OF IVO JONES by Anna Giangiordano (3rd place, Prompt Jun22)

THE DOWNPOUR DOWNFALL OF IVO JONES Tuesday Morning Ivo Jones decided to kill novelist Tom Nelson that very afternoon. The idea had kindled overnight, fuelled by righteous injustice in the hours since he’d been made fully, unambiguously cognizant of  Nelson’s indifference to him, delivered in Nelson’s now gratingly languid voice. Despite, amongst other things re-analysedContinueContinue reading “THE DOWNPOUR DOWNFALL OF IVO JONES by Anna Giangiordano (3rd place, Prompt Jun22)”

INSERT VAGUE INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE HERE by Keith Henderson (1st place, Prompt Mar22)

It’s a pencil keeping him from sleep tonight. Not an actual pencil, obviously, a metaphorical one. Or should that be a metaphysical one? One or the other, anyway. There are the usual thoughts keeping him awake as well, of course. Has he saved enough to retire? Is that lump on the side of his footContinueContinue reading “INSERT VAGUE INSPIRATIONAL QUOTE HERE by Keith Henderson (1st place, Prompt Mar22)”

PAWN TAKES KING by Jonathan McLaughlin (2nd place, Prompt Mar22)

As I sat in my office, stumped over a crossword puzzle asking me for a six letter word for a legendary Greek king, my leg couldn’t stop shaking. My eyes wandered aimlessly over the six blank spaces, unable to focus, lost in my overwhelming urge – no, obligation – to finally visit my old friend,ContinueContinue reading “PAWN TAKES KING by Jonathan McLaughlin (2nd place, Prompt Mar22)”