What’s happening at Cranked Anvil HQ? …our latest news

Hello writers/readers/subscribers!

We’ve been a bit quiet of late – but we’ve been beavering away in the background, setting up all the writerly stuff we’re planning here at Cranked Anvil for the future.

The first thing to say is, we’ve already had a whole load of great micro submissions for our Fiction123, and we’re delighted to start publishing here on our website today!

The first story is by the brilliant Cath Barton, called ON THE SHELF.

If you have a great microfiction story of 123 words or less, we’d love to read it – and we’d love to publish it. DON”T FORGET, it’s FREE to submit to our Fiction123.
Just go to the Fiction123 Page and check out the info, rules, etc, then link to the submissions page and send us your mini masterpiece!


Our flash fiction comp is still ongoing, and we’re open for submissions all year round, on a quarterly rotation. The next deadline is the last day of August, midnight UK time.

Although we have currently suspended our short story competition, there’s a possibility we may be resurrecting it in the near future, in a slightly different guise. Keep an eye on our website here, and also our social media, for more info.


Our first two print anthologies are now all sold out – however, we do still have a few copies of our most recent anthology – How Far The Distance – available exclusively from us here on the website.

Just click the image of the book cover here on the left, to take you to the exclusive bookshop page where you can place your order. And don’t forget, it was a limited print run – once they’re gone, they’re gone!

That’s about all for now.

If you don’t already, please make sure you subscribe to us on facebook, twitter, and instagram. Also, subscribe to the updates from our website (button below), so you receive an email every time we post news, competitions, or just more great fiction. (And if you already subscribe, please spread the word to fellow writers who don’t, so we can build our brilliant #WritingCommunity!)

Happy writing/reading folks!

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